We are closed on 6th May due to the public holiday. We will be back open on 7th May

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Cruise Watch - Keep an Eye on Cruise Prices

Deck Chair Cruising has developed a neat little tool to help people who cannot make up their mind on which cruise to go on. The “cruise watch” tool can monitor a specific cabin category on a cruise and notify each week the following:

This will help people still deciding on a cabin/cruise.

If the cabin category is sold out, the cruise is selling fast, and you can either book another category not yet sold out, or go onto a waitlist to get the cabin you are interested in. If the price rises then cabin availability is becoming short and you should book before cabin is sold out. If the price decreases (on sale) then you should book straight away and take advantage of the reduced price (it will not last). If the cabin/cruise price is the same, nothing has changed yet.

How to make use of the Cruise Watch tool.

Simply enter a quote into the system, and then request from our reservations team to be put on the cruise watch for the nominated quote. You can go on the cruise watch for as many cabins/cruises as you want. You can make the request by emailing straight away, or wait for your emailed quote to arrive (within minutes) and simply reply to the email to go onto the cruise watch for this quote.

Cruise Watch Alert